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Generator Purchase 800kW/1000 KVA - 3 Phase with Transfer Switch
1. Please register by using the "Start a Response Here" button/function and confirming your company name and email address.
2. After registering, the Documents under the ATTACHMENTS Section will become available for download. There is no cost to access the documents or to submit a bid.
3. Submit your bid electronically on this platform ( by using the "Recipients Will Drag & Drop Files Here" function. A loaded file is automatically received by the platform provider (and remains sealed). A loaded file may be removed and replaced by a bidder at any time up until the bid deadline.
4. For information or assistance, please email the Electronic Administrator at
Please price a manufacturer specified 48-hour diesel tank for the generator proposed. A separate Tank Price Sheet has been included under the Attachments Section.
The bid deadline has been extended until 2:00 pm, Wednesday, August 14, 2024.
Addendum #1 - The breaker required is a 1000 amp. The generator will be 480/277. The generator will be delivered, removed from the truck by the seller and placed in position at the City of Plaquemine Wastewater Facility on W.W. Harleaux, Street. Proposing a turnkey installation with electrical connection may be given, but is not required. If a turnkey installation is proposed, then the price of the install must be separate from the price of the generator and transfer switch. If options for the generator are not expressed in the solicitation, then a proposer should include those options, itemized and priced. This bid is not a "low-cost-wins" award. The city, if it decides to purchase, will choose the most beneficial and cost-effective proposal and reserves the right to negotiate the final details of components and price.
FIRST EXTENSION OF BID DEADLINE - The bid deadline has been extended until 2:00 pm, Friday, August 9, 2024. Please login regularly for additional changes or information.
The City of Plaquemine, LA, seeks to Purchase an 800 kW/1000 KVA Diesel Stand-by Generator, 60 Hz, 3 Phase generator, delivered to the install site as specified herein.
Model, brand, conforming specifications and price offerings are due by August 9, 2024, August 14, 2024, at 2:00 pm. Proposals will be accepted electronically only through this platform, (LAMATS e-Auction & Bid Services). Where more than one offering may be accepted, the buyer reserves the right to conduct additional price bids through a reverse-auction process, the date and time of which is to be determined.
Offers submitted in any format or through a method not specified herein will not be accepted.
All price offerings will include (itemized separately) the cost of the generator, the cost of the transfer switch and the cost of any accessories/components offered. The timeline/lead time for delivery will be calculated in good faith and must be given.
Questions regarding the delivery site and site conditions within the City of Plaquemine will be directed to the Electronic Administrator, Paul Holmes,, who in turn will communicate directly with appropriate city personnel. Inquiries may also be directed to Bruce Capone, City of Plaquemine purchasing agent at Questions should be by email only unless directed otherwise.
The City of Plaquemine reserves the right to solely determine which brand, model (and described capacities and capabilities) will best fit its needs. The City of Plaquemine reserves the right to cancel this solicitation at any time it may determine that pursuing the purchase is not in its best interests.
The cost or rates for standard electrician work to connect the generator and transfer switch into the system may be provided based on known costs or rates where requested. However, the City will hire any required installation or electrical contractors separate and apart from its purchase of a generator and components.
All bids or offers must be submitted on the Pricing Form provided.
The specifications are based on the application and engineering data for the Gillette Model SPMI-8000-60HZ 3-Phase Stand-by Generator (engine and alternator manufactured by STAMFORD/AVK - Cummins Generator Technologies). The complete specifications are found in the Electronic Document under the ATTACHMENTS Section labeled “Generator Specifications”. ALL MODELS / BRANDS COMMERCIALLY MANUFACTURED AND WHICH SUBSTANTIALLY MEET THE SPECIFICATIONS WILL BE REVIEWED AND CONSIDERED. Alternative specifications must be submitted in similar format and style as the document labeled “Generator Specifications”.
Advanced payment of platform access fees and platform services fees payable by vendors and suppliers registering (or registered) online is waived. A platform services fee of 1.5% of the Net Sale Price of the Generator actually delivered will be paid by the winning bidder only.