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RFQ for Electrical Engineer Services Related to Baker Municipal Complex Generator Project


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You may submit your Resume or CV on the website, or you may submit through physical delivery as provided below:
 “Question/Inquiry regarding CITY OF BAKER, LOUISIANA Municipal Complex Generator FEMA Project 4277-F41-S58” may be submitted be submitted via email to Your qualifications may be submitted by mail, courier or in person if you cannot or prefer not to submit online. Paper responses shall be addressed to: Ashley Batts, Purchasing Agent, City of Baker, Louisiana, P O Box 707, Baker, LA 70704- 0707 and will reference CITY OF BAKER, LOUISIANA Municipal Complex Generator FEMA Project 4277-F41-S58.” The project includes increasing the capacity to provide emergency electrical power to the entire Municipal Complex by elevating the generator placement fixture to avoid future flood intrusion; determining the required phases, voltage and amperage required and other components and amenities required along with the installation of a 350-kW natural gas generator on the elevated fixture; and specifying the energy transfer mechanism from the generator to the Municipal Complex. The Engineer will be responsible for determining all requirements and permits needed to complete the installation of the generator, transfer switch, any associated electrical and all other components needed to ensure the proper, efficient, and safe operation of the system, including the proper EPA rating for the intended generator use. The Engineer should be familiar with FEMA requirements for submitting and approving electrical and installation plans. The Engineer will be required to advise the city regarding reimbursement or payment through FEMA of professional design services of the type and nature provided. The City of Baker is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Small and minority businesses and women’s businesses are encouraged to submit qualifications. The selected engineer will be expected to work directly with the city’s procurement staff and its procurement consultants to advertise and submit the project for either a Public Works Bid or a Request for Proposals process, whichever is deemed by the city to most appropriate and/or expedient for the size and scope of the project. A design Engineer will be selected based on qualifications, references, availability to provide the services and the city’s ability to negotiate a reasonable price for services that meets FEMA guidelines. Please direct all questions related to electronic submission of qualifications to by email to be answered in a timely fashion, or you may contact Paul Holmes, at