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Shreveport Downtown Development Authority LED Lighting Project

  1. Review the Advertisement for Bids, the instructions and the documents included below.
  2. The Shreveport Downtown Development Authority has chosen this platform to allow Bidders to electronically submit responses for this bid.  Any bidder may access the documents posted here.  The Downtown Development Authority will not email or fax any documents.  Documents, however, may be picked up in person from the Downtown Development District as directed in the solicitation.  

Advertisement for Bids 


IFB #01-2020
SEALED BIDS, addressed to the Deputy Director of the Downtown Development Authority will be received at the office of the DDA, 416 Cotton Street, Shreveport, Louisiana 71101, until 3:00 P.M.(CST) on AUGUST 7, 2020. August 21, 2020 (Per Addendum #3)  Shortly, thereafter, bids will be publicly opened and announced in the DDA office, for the following project: 
Furnish and install LED lighting in the Shreveport Central Business District 
A complete bid packet may be obtained in person from the DDA, 416 Cotton Street, Shreveport, Louisiana 71101 for a charge, or may be accessed and downloaded at no cost at  Bids will be accepted electronically through at no charge.  Unless registered electronically, it shall be the Bidder’s responsibility to make inquiry as to Addenda issued.  Bidders registered electronically will receive notice of all changes and Addenda by email.
An acceptable Bid Bond,   Cashier's Check, or Certified Check payable to the Downtown Development Authority, in an amount of (5%) percent of the bid amount bid amount, including additive alternatives, must accompany the bid. Negotiable Bid Bonds will be returned to the unsuccessful bidder as soon as possible, or not more than 45 days after the opening of bids. All bonds applicable to this transaction must be accompanied by an original Power of Attorney. An acceptable Performance Bond equal to 100% of the amount of the contract and a 50% Payment bond and Maintenance Bond will be required of the successful bidder.
 The bidder’s attention is called to the “Equal Opportunity Clause” set forth in the bid documents.
The Downtown Development Authority reserves the right to reject any and/all bids for just cause and to waive insignificant requirements.


This Bid (IFB) is posted on .   Giving all bidders the opportunity to access the electronic bid posting and to submit bids electronically is required by Louisiana’s Public Bid Law.  Use of this platform constitutes a direct cost of the solicitation payable by DDA from the funds dedicated to the project.
To view the general bid information and receive bid notices by email, register with LaMATS e-Auction Services (EASiBUY)Registration, document access and electronic upload of Bid Forms is at no charge to the bidder. All bidders have the option to submit bids & bid bond receipt electronically. 
To register please go to  If you need help registering or with training or completing an e-bid, contact Paul Holmes, Electronic Administrator at 225-678-6107.  By registering electronically, you will confirm that the copy of your signature on any document is authentic.  If an electronic bid is submitted, you must confirm that you must provide your state contractors’ license number when the bid, with alternates, amounts to $50,000 or more. The DDA will not provide copies of bids by mail or by e-mail.  
The direct cost to the DDA to provide electronic services is 1% of the lowest price bid or $800, whichever is less. The 5% Bid Bond required herein is applicable to this cost should the awarded bidder fail to timely enter into a contract with the DDA as required in the bid documents.  
For those submitting bids electronically, a copy of the original signed and notarized Bid Bond or alternate bid security must be uploaded with your electronic bid and is valid only if the matching original is received by the DDA within 72 hours of the bid opening.